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Please take action for the wild & domestic horses, mules & burros.
Take Action!
Now is the time to take action in order to protect innocent mules, burros and horses, both wild and domestic, from being slayed.
A few minutes of your time will make all the difference as we push forward toward legal protection for horses. Demand that Congress passes the Save America’s Forgotten Equines Act or SAFE Act of 2021, H.R. 3355. The Act would end the transportation of American horses out of the country only to be slaughtered and exported for human consumption. Per Findings of The Horse Act Section 3, “(4) individuals selling horses or other equines at auctions are seldom aware that the animals may be bought for the purpose of being slaughtered for human consumption.”
Many thousands of horses who lived a free life on U.S. “protected” public land are rounded up and sent to kill pens in the United States and then transported to Canada or Mexico - a virtual slaughter pipeline that needs to stop!
Passage of a federal ban on horse slaughter including the sale at auction and subsequent transportation of equines is needed NOW.
Let’s come together
For the past year, the founder and president of Broken Arrow Ranch & Sanctuary has been working to cultivate a sanctuary for horses, burros and mules that have fallen into the slaughter pipeline. Last year over 30,000 equines were sent to countries outside of the US to be slaughtered. This has to be stopped! As a whole, we can all make a difference by supporting The Safe Act and by reaching out to your Senators and Representatives and ask them to show their support as well.
Take a few moments to complete the form below. Upon completion, we will send it to a representative who advocates for horse protection legislation including The SAFE Act of 2021.
Your action now will support the following:
*Demand an end to horse slaughter and the export of horses for consumption.
*Initiate safe and humane fertility control methods that can end the need for wild horse roundups.
*Change the Bureau of Land Management’s Adoption Incentive Program to protect not destroy equines.
Take Action.
How you can help
Please complete this form so we can forward it to a representative that can help end horse slaughter!
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